Holika Dahan 2024 on 24 march know folk tradition and shastarth aspect of holika dahan

Holika Dahan 2024 on 24 march know folk tradition and shastarth aspect of holika dahan

Holika Dahan 2024: Holi and Diwali are our major festivals. Over time, many folk stories got added to our folk traditions. But there is no scriptural mention of him. Holi is often associated with Prahlad and Holika and by burning it, it is shown as poor.

But there is only a small mention of it in Narada Purana, East Part, Fourth Pada, Chapter 124, it is written that “Holika was a demon who gave fear to Prahlad.” There is no mention of Holika Dahan or Holika being a Dalit in any scripture. All these are folk stories which have been added to our traditions from time to time.

The truth is that the reason behind celebrating Holi is given in Bhavishya Purana, which is completely different from these folk tales. According to Bhavishya Purana Uttar Parva 132, Maharaj Yudhishthir asked Lord Krishna why the festival is celebrated on the full moon day of Phalgun and why Holi is lit everywhere? What is the reason why children make unnecessary noise in every house on that day? What is Adada and which deity is worshipped?

What is the tradition of Adada or Holika?

Lord Shri Krishna said that in Satyayuga there was a king named Raghu. He conquered the entire earth and brought the kings under his control and brought up the people like a son. There was never famine in his kingdom and no one died untimely. No one was interested in lawlessness. But one day the people of the city suddenly gathered at the royal gate and started calling ‘Trahi’, ‘Trahi’. The king thus asked the frightened people the reason.

People said that a demon named Dhondha (Holika) troubles our children every day and no mantra, tantra, medicine etc. has any effect on her, she cannot be cured in any way. Then the king asked the state priest Maharishi Vashishtha about that demon. He told the king that there is a demon named Mali, he has a daughter, whose name is Dhondha. He pleased Lord Shiva by doing severe penance for a long time. He asked him to ask for a boon.

On this, Dhondha asked for a boon that gods, demons, humans etc. should not be able to kill me and I should not be killed by weapons etc., as well as anywhere during the day, night, winter, summer and rainy season, inside or outside. I should not be afraid of anyone. On this, Lord Shankar said ‘Amen’ and also said that ‘You will be afraid of crazy children.’ In this way, after giving the boon, Lord Shiva went to his abode. The same lustful demon named Dhondha torments the children daily. On reciting the mantra ‘Adada’ the snake becomes calm. That is why it is also called Adada. This is the character of that demonic seeker. Now I am telling you the solution to get rid of it.

Today, on the full moon day of Shukla Paksha of Phalgun month, everyone should play sports fearlessly and dance, sing and laugh. The children, carrying swords made of wood, set out running with joy like brave soldiers, eager for battle, and rejoice. Dry wood, cow dung cakes, dry leaves etc. should be collected at one place, set fire to that pile with mantras, perform havan in it and laugh and clap. After circling that burning heap three times, children and old people should all have a pleasant and humorous conversation and remain happy. In this way, that evil demon gets destroyed by mantras of protection, by performing havan, by making noise and by the fear of sword attack by children.

Hearing these words of Vashishthaji, King Raghu asked people in the entire kingdom to celebrate in a similar manner and he himself cooperated in it, due to which the demon was destroyed. From that very day the festival of Dhondha became famous in this world and the tradition of Adada continued. On this day, Homa is performed by Brahmins to pacify all the evils and all the diseases, hence it is also called Holika.

This is the full moon date of Phalgun which gives the essence and ultimate joy of all the dates. Children should be especially protected on this day and night. Many children should be called in the courtyard of the house, smeared with cow dung, carrying wooden swords and the children kept in the house should be made to touch them with swords made of wood. After the celebration by laughing, singing, playing, dancing etc., jaggery and other delicious dishes should be prepared and given to the children. By this method the fault of Dhondha definitely gets pacified.

Yudhishthir asked that spring arrives on the second day of Chaitra month, what should be done on that day?

Lord Shri Krishna said that on the second day of Holi, one should wake up early in the morning in Pratipada and retire from the necessary daily activities, perform tarpan-puja for ancestors and deities and for the pacification of all the defects, one should worship Holika’s idol and apply it on one’s body. Make a square circle in the courtyard of the house by coating it with cow dung and decorate it with colorful flowers. Place a bench on it. Install a gold-coordinated Kalash with Pallavas on the back. White sandalwood should also be placed on the same bench.

A fortunate woman should wear beautiful clothes and jewelery and worship that section with curd, milk, rice, fragrance, flowers etc. Then that sandalwood along with mango leaves should be prashan. This leads to increase in lifespan, attainment of health and success in all wishes. At meal time, one should eat a little of the previous day’s dish and eat as per one’s wish. One who celebrates Phalgunotsav with this method, all his wishes are fulfilled effortlessly. All diseases and ailments are destroyed and he becomes complete with son, grandson and wealth. This most sacred, victorious Purnima removes all obstacles and is the best among all dates.

In this way we understand that no incident of Holi is related to “Prahlad burnt Holika alive”. This is a celebration of public consciousness. It is an auspicious occasion for changing seasons and is a sign of social harmony.

read this also: Holika Dahan 2024 Upay: To get freedom from diseases, put this 1 thing in the fire of Holi, you will get a healthy body.
Note- The views given above are the personal views of the author. It is not necessary that ABP News Group agrees with this. The author alone is responsible for all claims or objections related to this article.

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